Sunday, September 16, 2012

Advise, But Don't Judge

Funny how this message was presented before us in church on Sunday. It's something I need to work on. It's a sign from God that he agrees so I must be diligent and realize that I should give my advice without judging the person if they follow it or not. It's not my job to dictate people's lives even if I think it's right. I'm still naiive and must learn

Saturday, September 15, 2012


It's finally the weekend! This week has been full of work and school that I haven't spent a lot of time with John or my friends. It's been lonely, but I got paid! It's a little difficult to stomach making less, but I feel grateful to God that I got a job so easily and how busy I stay at the office. It's great experience so I am very pleased. I can even have as many hours as I want. If I have a problem with the pay, I can always just find a better paying job. God has granted me happiness and a means of earning money especially since my friends are still looking for work.

God is too good to me. I need to appreciate him.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Time for Me to Shut Up

I spoke with John today and he told me advice wasn't meant to be taken, just put out there. I am going to just mellow down. I shouldn't impose my views on other people and I'm sorry I ever did. I care a lot and I guess it blinds me at times. I think of things through my own eyes, but no one else's. I must learn to let go. I want to be that friend people can vent to. I'll keep my advice to myself unless asked.

Just think of me as a pair of ears you can vent to. I am learning. God has given me a new challenge and I will triumph!


Seems like it's been a while since I've had anything to say...Life has been full of drama. I know that my friends might actually read my entries and be offended, but I want to put it out there. I want to be honest. I will not sensor what I want to say just so you and I can maintain a fake friendship where we cannot be honest with each other. I want to be real, and I shall strive to be.

I worry for one of my friends who is in a volatile relationship. There are ups and downs, but she says there are more ups than downs. I worry for her because her boyfriend appears to be taking advantage of her kindness at times and when confronted with it, denies it and gets angry because he knows deep inside, it's true, but he's still young and unable to accept it to be true. He is so young, he thinks he has a handle on the situation, but he constantly needs help from others and is unable to control himself emotionally.

My sister is going through some interesting things as well. She likes a 16 year old (-_- pedo...) and a 21 (almost 22) likes her, but she doesn't like him. She flirts and brings his hopes up, but things won't change so easily. I worry for my friend that likes her...

For me, life is really great. I have a new job that is going well. I'm learning a lot and I am very busy. I am in class once a week and it's a lot of reading, but I'll live. It sucks I'm paying so much to go to school where I have very few classes, but I can't spend a year without school at all. That's just a waste! Then there's John. I am very happy right now with him. I miss him when we're not together and I hate that I have a job that keeps me from him, but I am happy to have money to pay for things again. All summer I spent many times worrying about money, but now I can do things because I have money to pay for them and not run down my savings! I wish I could be as carefree as some of my friends who don't have to pay for their schooling and can save all of their paychecks to spend on something big. A friend of mine just bought a $1k tablet and my other friend went to Oregon to buy a new Mac computer. I'm envious, but I will live with my situation. I can save up and use my savings to pay for even the small things I like and not feel like a drain on my family. I will take care of myself and not worry for my family as much. I guess I have to be more positive.