Saturday, August 25, 2012

Starting Out

So, I am sick of trying to wade out all the posts on tumblr to actually to see what's going on with my friends. I like tumblr, but I am getting bored of it. I just want a way to vent to my friends and keep up to date with everyone. I wonder if it's too hard to get people to switch? Tumblr seems to be more of a place for reblogging of random stuff you can never have. I want something like a blog. I hope I can get people to create a blogger. It's been a while since I've blogged properly, so I hope this goes well.

Life is going well outside of school. I found a new job in a gynecology clinic as a file clerk so I shall be filing and scanning papers for 8 hours 3 times a week. Crazy. I don't look forward to how boring the job will be, but perhaps it'll be better than I think. How else do the other employees do it for about 5 years? School is crap. I don't know if my fall semester will be dropped or not. I just know I'll be busy if I stay in school. I definitely will miss my boyfriend! Sucks. I hate that summer is coming to an end, but I shall cope.

Oh, God has blessed me so much this year. I am so happy.... (^-^)

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